Where the hell did Friday go?

I’ve got the computer blues

Lock down: Day 12

I think today is Saturday. It’s getting hard to tell, as the days all blur together. We’ve spent the day mostly playing games – Overcooked 2 on the PS4 and Carcassonne, although MrMilk skipped all the fun to watch a deep and meaningful film. With Vin Diesel in it. I think I know who won in that deal. (Hint: me.) I’ve done some housework as well, so feel like I deserved a break. 🙂

The poor dog is overdue for a groom, so has basically had a bowl-cut. At least he can see now, but he isn’t going to be winning Best In Show for that styling.

Friday was a waste of makeup. And I didn’t even have makeup on. I forgot to power down my laptop on Thursday night, and even though it was plugged in it went totally flat. DIED. Turned into a large, unattractive paperweight on my desk. There is something seriously wrong with the damn thing, and it no longer recognises the charger and insists on drawing power very slowly. It’s been fine if I power off and charge over night, and then it slowly drains throughout the day, even though it’s plugged in. It took most of the day to get enough power to turn on. And now it’s started beeping randomly at me when I type.

Work are couriering me the dock and another charger for my work laptop, so that will hopefully fix the issue with that laptop, and I can put this one aside until lock down is over and I can take it (and many, many cocktails) to my friendly local IT guru so he can take a look at it.

I did cut in a fringe. Bangs. Well, a long, side swept one. I’m quite liking it for now, but like the fact that I can still pull it all back into a ponytail if it annoys me:


Today I’m thankful that I’m getting better at Overcooked 2, and that my kids are patient with me when I’m useless at it!

Daily #LockDownHaiku

The days of the week
are all running together
What day is it now?

Today on social media

A British family have shared their take on One Day More from Les Mis:

More from Chris Mann, as I can’t get this one out of my head:

I found out last night that someone in my house didn’t know what Kia kaha means. So just in case any of you were wondering it means Stay strong. It’s used a lot here in NZ, particularly now, and I love that we have an affirmation which encourages us all to have strength.

Kia kaha. xx

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