Duvet day

Welcome to Level 3

Lock down: Day 35

So after four weeks of lockdown, we’ve now moved to level three. Things in our bubble don’t really look any different. MrMilk and I are still working from home, the kids are still online-schooling at home. I did find an app for the local sushi place, so there’ll definitely be some sushi in our lunching future.

For some reason, I needed a duvet day today. I spent several hours sat at my computer, just looking at stuff, brain not working. I finally texted my boss, took a sick day and snuggled up the MiniMilk’s den with a book and a cookie. Not sure why my brain finally decided to go awol today of all days.

A couple of days ago, MiniMilk came in for early morning cuddles after she’d woken up from bad dreams. It made me realise just how little she still, even though she often seems so grown up. She’s 12 & 3/4 now. The same age I was when my mum died. So little.

I’m really feeling it today.

If you’re not following me on social media, you may have managed to miss that I’ve finished my birdie cross stitch!

I added the text at the bottom, and spent ages mapping out where the writing should go, where the centre of the writing was, the centre of the image. And I still managed to muck it up and put the text off centre. Dammit. So went back to the drawing board and came up with a new layout for the additional text to keep things looking balanced. It’s now all washed, ironed, and rolled up waiting for a frame.

So of course I had to start shopping for a new project. I spent most of yesterday surfing various sites and finally settled on two different patterns. One is a sampler, and will be in white floss (thread) on a dark blue background, and the other is a groovy multi-coloured elephant. I downloaded the patterns, and have ordered all the supplied. So now I wait. *drums fingers on table*

We finally gave the dog a bath. Well, a shower. He was shampooed and conditioned, and hated every minute of it. Quite amusingly, the fluff on the top of his head has stopped standing upright in a mohawk an he is now sporting a bowl cut.

This time last year we were off on an Easter road trip. You remember the olden days, when we were allowed out?


Today I’m grateful for sick leave and an understanding boss, and building dens in the living room.

Today on social media

Some people are spending their lockdown much more creatively than I am. This woman, for example, is recreating musicals in the most amazing way:

This one comes via MilkShake:

MiniMilk convinced MilkShake to help her build a den in the living room, and then asked if they could rearrange the furniture. It’s a fairly spectacular den, and we’re all now sprawled on sofas and MiniMilk and MrMilk are in the den while we all watch TV.

Kia kaha. xx

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