
Welcome to Week 3 of Alert Level 4

Lock down: Day 16

Today was a good day. I worked, didn’t get inappropriately sarcastic while unmuted on a zoom call, made a cake, ate some cake, played some Overcooked 2 with the 14 yo, and watched funny Vines with the 12 yo. And there’s only one more day of work until a 4-day weekend! And I have another cake recipe waiting to try. Oh, and MrMilk is off to the supermarket tomorrow so there will be more SNACKS!

Anyway, back to my cake:

It’s a lemon yoghurt cake, doesn’t need any butter (which was just as well, because I’m out of butter), and is possibly the easiest recipe I’ve ever used. Oh, and it tastes delicious! If you fancy trying it out, the recipe is here:

The 12 yo has taken to carting around a giant panda cuddly toy. It’s her emotional support panda. He has a wounded arm, so it’s currently bandaged until I can do some toy-surgery.

Chewie, the ginger cat, is an arsehole. He’s just bought in a mouse, and then let it run around free. A tiny, little mouse. Twat. I hate mice. They’re only good in Disney films. MrMilk was on calls with the UK/Poland teams in the office and had to bail to come and rescue me from the teeny, tiny mouse. The cat is a massive arsehole because this is the second mouse he’s bought inside in the last hour. Pillock. And i had to catch the first one. I think he’s found a wee nest of mice, and he’s just keeping them alive so he can pick them off, one at a time, and torment them. So the cat-flap is now locked, and the cat is on the outside. Enjoy the rain you plonker.


Right now I’m extremely grateful that the cat-flap locks.

Daily #LockDownHaiku

It’s now day 15
We can’t get any sushi
It’s driving me mad

14 yo

Today on social media

The adorable little misery bear:

Time for one more slice of cake before bed.

Kia kaha. xx

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