Quietly building a wall

This is a good place to be

Lock down: Day 17

We had 29 new cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand today. That’s less than yesterday, and less than the day before. New cases appear to be trending down, more people are recovering. It appears that our lockdown is working. It’s definitely better for my anxiety to see the numbers heading this way, rather than the other way. I was reading the news this afternoon, and saw this quote:

Kiwis have quietly and collectively implemented a nationwide wall of defence.

Jacinda Ardern

I got a bit teary reading that. With all the news of people breaking the lockdown to go surfing, mountain biking or just have a BBQ with their neighbours, it’s nice to see that those people are outliers.

I wonder if Jacinda has been watching The Good Place. Or reading Scanlon. Because she also said:

You did it for each other

OMG. Maybe she’s been reading my blog. 🙂

We had heavy rain and hail this afternoon, followed by a rainbow. MrMilk thought it would be funny to tell the kids that it was time for them to get some fresh air, whilst it was raining. So MiniMilk (the 12 yo – we’ve re-labelled ourselves) was out dancing in the rain for a while. As you do.

MrMilk headed to the supermarket before tea. He came home with lots of shopping, plenty of snacks, and BUTTER! Still no flour though, but I should have enough to make a cake or two. Maybe three. There will be some baking happening at the MilkHouse this weekend. But there were no Easter Eggs left. Poor me. Luckily I will be able to steal one off the children, and there will be cake.

We’ve decided to have a Marvel movie marathon, so tonight we’re watching Captain America. Just in case anyone was curious. MiniMilk is snuggled beside me, all fidgets and babbling. She’s worried that we’re wearing out the TV.


Lots to be grateful for today. Sunshine, rain for our reservoirs, butter, snuggles and downward trends.

Daily #LockDownHaiku

Oh we’ve got covid
We’re all going to get sick
What a time to live

12 yo

Today on social media

A delightful YouTube rabbit hole for you to fall down and explore:

Stay strong everyone. Keep doing it for each other.

Kia kaha. xx

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